Top 5 differences between Australia and Germany

11 Apr 2016

My 3 month anniversary in Germany was yesterday so I think it's time to do a kind of 'culture shock' post between Australia and Germany for me. While there isn't many MAJOR differences between Australia and Germany I want to share with you the little nitty-gritty things that kind of just shock you.

ps. this is for all those people thinking about doing a Rotary exchange or any exchange and are trying to 'research' their host countries. 

01 Cuisine

In Germany they stereo-typically eat a lot of meat (specifically sausages) but let me just stop you here>THIS IS SO TRUE and while I'm sure their are vegos and vegans in Germany it really is the land for the meat loving carnivores of the world. I don't think they realize how much meat they eat. Breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner you can have meat and I mean meat being the main component of the dish for all courses of the day. Another thing that is always on the dinner table/at lunch is potatoes. My first week here I ate potatoes every single day. But to be honest Germany is very healthy, the hearty meals will fill you till the next big meal and snacking is not really done a lot. 

02 School

Australia is quite different in schooling in comparison to Germany. Germany has Grundschule (like primary school) and then when finished Grundschule you either go to Gymnasium (to complete the Abiture or final exams when finishing school, which is what most exchange students go to) Realschule (just below a Gymnasium but now kids with higher academic scores may move from Realschule to a Gymnasium) Hauptschule (is a slower learning pace of Realschule) Gesamtschule (Realschule and Hauptschule combines in one). You can also go to Private school which is a paid tuition like my school in Australia. The school day starts at 08:00am and finishes between 12:00pm and 15:45pm, most days I finish at 13:10pm. Many Germans have lots of extra curriculars because of how early you can finish school. The school year has 4 holidays in summer, for Christmas, for Easter and Autumn. There are also lots of free days during the year like on Public holidays there is no school.

03 Home life

Home life is not very different compared to Australia. My host family is wonderful and it is to me just like a normal family in Australia although I will say that German houses are somewhat different and some are very traditional but they have a lot of stairs and also doors for the kitchen???! Everything is quite organised and there is always notes on the kitchen bench for everyone coming in and out of the house but everything is usually clean. Oh we also watch A LOT of football!

04 Culture and People

The German people have a reputation for being orderly and cold people. This is definitely not the case. Yes okay when I first got here I did notice a difference between the Australian warmness and the German way but it is just that they are not Australian and so of coarse they will be different. When first going to school I remember no one talking to me and everyone just staring but then you settle in and you start to go up to them and start to make your own friends. This is how I made friends at school and by doing this you realize that once you start talking to a German they are confident and full of independent character which is what I really love about them they will also tell you what they think straight up which [I believe] is not a bad thing; so of they don't like speaking English to you they will tell you that but the best way to take it is positively :)

05 Miscellaneous 

Germans really do drink ... and drink ..... and drink some more... I mean not every one of them but they know how to work their way around alcohol.
Germans know how to throw great festivals! I cant wait till Summer when I get to see them all!
Germans are never late (exception to my host Mum <3) but this is a great thing and they never expect other people to be late even foreigners!
Germans really go the extra mile with schooling; my school here has some of the most dedicated students I have ever seen.
Germans are wonderful people with lots of passion for their interests and I love Germany and it's people to bits!