
6 Apr 2016

Austria was so incredible, there are really no words to explain the places I ventured into and the views I gawked at. We got back about a week and a half ago so this post is pretty late but I have been busy with school starting back after Easter holidays and so on. Exchange has been treating me pretty well over the last few weeks, and I am totally immersed in this place, the language is coming easier and understanding as well, also school is proving to be better so life is pretty great. Always smiles. My first months really have been a roller coaster of emotions but now I think about home and I say to myself "why would you ever want to leave Germany". In 4 days I will have been here for 3 months and I cant even begin to tell you how quickly it feels it has gone, I feel like I have barely been here a month. 

Anyway back to Austria.

My first day was a beautiful day (one of my favourites so far) walking around the town (Millstatt am see) and climbing a spider infested hill with my eleven year old host brother who thought it would be a good idea. It ended up being pretty funny if I'm honest despite the thorns and creepy spiders that made it feel like a harry potter scene. for the nest 5 days we were skiing with my host cousins and it was fantastic, I got pretty good at my skiing after not doing it for about two years. My 10 days there can be summed up in 5 ish words: 

+  Eating
+  Skiing
+  Bike riding
+  Unbelievable 

...and here are some photos

Excuse the creepy finger :)